Friday, October 9, 2009

Good News, Bad News

First, the bad news. I was told Thursday that the lease on my apartment is up at the end of this month and will have to move because the prices in the area have increased as much as 25%. I won't be moving too far away, just a 10-minute bus ride probably, but that's a lot more than a 3-minute walk :( Plus, I've gotta pack all my stuff. I've been told that when it comes time to move, they'll hire someone to actually move it all, which is nice since I don't have a car here. Almost 8 months here and I have just began to enjoy this town I'm living in, and now I have to move. Oh well, so it goes.

Now, the good news. The overtime was supposed to be taken away last week, but something happened and now it's delayed for another month. Because I thought it was being taken away, I had asked my boss to give me as many as he could. I've been grading an average of 65 e-BCs a week, which results in an extra $140/week, on average. In addition, the won continues to rise agains the dollar, which means I get a small raise every day. Right now the won is where it was just over a year ago. There hasn't been a day in the past month or so where it didn't go up at least a little bit, and sometimes more than a little bit. By the time the overtime does get taken away, I'll be making more on my base salary than I was when I got here, including base and overtime.

There are 4 of us with October birthdays. Two were this past week, and two more next week. Every birthday, Topia buys a cake, and I had been looking forward to at least 2 cakes, assuming they'd combine the birthdays that fell on the same week. Well, guess what, they didn't. They combined all 4 into one, which was basically the low point of my week, realizing I would only get one cake. I've decided, however, to stick it to the man and buy another cake next week because, dammit, I want cake.

A few friends and I are going to Itaewon today, which is foreigner central here, because I need to shop for some good winter shoes. I want some simple moccasins with fur in them because that would be crazy-comfortable, and warm, but I somehow doubt they will sell them, or that they can custom-make them. My number 1 priority in shoes is comfort, and that doesn't even seem to figure on the Korean priorities list. Hopefully I can find something, or my toes will be cold all winter :(

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