Friday, October 30, 2009


So I'm moving tomorrow. The mover will be here at 10.30 to get my stuff. I have an appointment at 10.00 to set up internet, which is impossible unless the guy's first appointments run long. I doubt they'll run more than an hour long, which is what I'll need if I'm to get to my apartment before him. If I don't, I won't have internet until Monday. What ever will I do!?

I packed two small boxes before tonight. I have to pack everything else...right now. I don't have much so it won't be a problem. The bulk of what I own is clothes, I think. That will be a pain because I won't want to fold them up properly or anything, since I'm essentially moving 10 minutes down the road.

Oh, I went to my place today, just to walk through it. It's really nice. At first glance, I like it better than my current apartment. My current apartment has 3 rooms: an entryway, a bathroom, and a main room where my bed and everything else is. My new place has a (very small) bedroom, in addition to everything else. The size difference between the two places is so small it doesn't matter, but it'll feel much bigger because my bed won't be in the middle of the "living room."

Two drawbacks I've already noticed, however, is that I'll be on the 2nd floor instead of the 3rd, and I'm on the corner of the building instead of the middle. Both of these things will contribute to a higher heating bill. Speaking of which, my heating (water and cooking included) for this past month was about $2.

I'm moving right across the alley from another coworker, who has been living there for about a month now. He has complained that it's difficult to find food after work, which as you know has been the bane of my existence until this semester when my schedule got lighter and I could take more meal breaks. Hopefully that issue won't plague me again. I have nothing to do tomorrow other than get settled and explore my new neighborhood, so I'll report back tomorrow what I find, along with some pictures.

P.S. They definitely took away our overtime, effective immediately. That means more free time, but less money. Isn't that the way of things? The ultimate conundrum: more money, or more free time? If I had more friends here I'd vote for the latter, but as it is I'll just spend more time on Xbox Live with some of you in America.

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