Monday, May 4, 2009

Let's get accosted every day!

So that girl who was a discipline problem last week brought me a coffee today! Well, of course her mother bought it, but it was pretty nice. It makes me depressed as hell, though, because it was a cheap coffee (stop laughing and lemme finish). Other parents have brought in 2 dozen Dunkin Donuts, other parents will bring in a few pizzas, some bring in boxes of chocolates, for no reason. And, when a student misbehaves the parents usually buy the teacher something of that caliber, but this child only brought in a coffee. The mom was very worried that I would hate her child, think she was bad, etc etc, so it was clear that the mother was upset, and should've sent something pretty nice, but I get the feeling that they maybe don't have enough money to buy something nicer. And that, my friend, is why it depresses me. I didn't care about the coffee, they could've kept that for all I cared. Oh well, I'm probably looking into this too much and the mother just didn't know what to buy a male teacher. But it still depresses me.

Tomorrow is Children's Day! I may be doing something with some friends, or I may just sleep all day, either one is fine with me. I mentioned last post that lots of students' public schools are closed Fri-Tues, and one class said none of them would be here today. Well, they all showed up, little bastards. I told them not to come, but oh well. I'm even two days ahead in that class somehow, so we could've missed today and it wouldn't have even matter. I love having tomorrow off, but Tuesdays are my easiest days so it would've been even nicer to have a MWF off, but oh well, any day is nice. There are 10 national holidays in the Korean calendar, and we get all of them off. However, this year, 8 of them fall on a weekend, so we only get 2 days off all year! Kinda sucks, but I still get my 10 vaca days. When you come visit me, as I know every single one of you are, give me a long heads up so I can get the days off.

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