Sunday, February 22, 2009

First day in "Seoul"

Turns out I don't live in Seoul.  I'm actually an hour south of it as the bus flies, or 20 miles as the traffic crawls.  This is a link to google maps that shows where I am in relation to Seoul:  The picture is a little old as you can tell, since my apartment doesn't exist in the it.  I promise I don't live on dirt.  

Anyway, I'm sitting in Java City (yes, the same franchise that CSU has) again, which is quickly becoming one of my favorite places.  They play good jazz, occasional Korean music and lots of (suprisingly) decent American stuff.  I did, however, hear "My Heart Will Go On" which I thought I left in China, but Koreans love it too, I guess.  I bought a coffee (it was incredible) because I'm trying my hardest not to fall asleep, otherwise I'll be up at 4am.  I've been tired for the last few hours, and by "tired" I mean eyelids drooping, eyes red like a pothead, slow motor functions.  I'm hoping to stay up until at least 2200, but we'll see how that goes.  (Side note, four cute Koreans just walked in).  

After I woke up this morning I got my apartment in order which didn't take long because I don't have much and my apartment isn't much.  Then I needed a couple things: food, Korean money, and internet, preferably in that order.  Well, I remembered Paul talking last night about Java City having free wireless, and as I set out to find what I needed I saw the Java City sign right away since it's across the street from my apt.  I emailed Paul and told him I needed him to meet me at Java City and if he wasn't here in 30 minutes I'd call him.  I called him 30 minutes later and he told me that I can't exchange money today because it's Sunday.  I totally forgot it was Sunday.  He told me he'd give me some money to last me until I could exchange, so I told him to meet me at my apt at 1500.  Then, the thing I needed most I got last: food.  I went into some tiny restaurant and pointed at a picture of what I think was coconut popcorn shrimp.  It tasted good and cost W2500, or $1.60, which is good since all I had was W6000.

I had over 3 hours to kill before I had to meet Paul so I started walking.  Paul had mentioned some university last night, so I headed out in that direction.  The streets here are similar to China in that the shops are right on the sidewalk and you'll pass the same store 3 or 4 times before you get where you're going.  I don't know why there's the same eyeglass store every 5 blocks...I just don't know.  Anyway, the university was a little hike away, and all of it uphill which got increasingly steeper as I got closer to the university.  I was wearing my dress shoes, but as I got to the end of the campus there was a hill that promised a good view from it's top, so I climbed.  
The pictures are from that climb.  Climbed back down, headed back to Java City, made a couple of phone calls waiting for 1500 to come around, then met Paul at my place.  He took me to E-mart, which is like a 3-story Target, and I found a couple of things I'll need to buy once I get money, like an electrical converter, a space heater and a clothes horse.  We ate dinner at one of his favorite places and I had dumplings.  Not nearly as good as in China, unfortunately, but still good.  That's been my entire day.  Tomorrow I start training.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! It sounds like you are really going to like where you are. Glad we can keep up with you. Good luck with your training tomorrow...or today?... :)
