Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tummy Hurty

My stomach has been feeling weird all day, and at first I thought it was b/c I drank last night (though not much), then I thought it was b/c I was hungry.  I finally realized it's b/c I'm getting really anxious about Korea!  I've got so many people to see and so little time.  I don't have a whole lot left to do before I go, thankfully.

I went to the post office today and talked to them about my visa.  They didn't give me any money back or anything, but I did get to talk to the supervisor and he told me to call him in the morning and see if my visa's there, and he'll hold it for me to come in.  Nice guy, very thankful for his help.  On the USPS website it says the package is still at the post office, so I guess they didn't re-deliver it today, despite what the employee told me.  I'm starting to freak out...   

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