Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's Fa-REE-zing

It is soooo cold here, but the temperature hasn't gotten below 27F or so, which isn't too bad with a couple of layers on.  Well, I got curious and went to and it turns out that the humidity here, right now at 9am, is 91%!!!  It's only 27% in Charleston at 6pm, which is NUTS!  That explains why it feels so cold.  Any skin exposed goes numb pretty quickly, and I'm trying to time just how long it'll take my fingers to go numb while I'm typing this post sittting outside Java City.  I've got to find out when they open, and never wake up before that.

I made it to almost 2300 last night and then passed out.  I woke up around 0645 which isn't bad.  I've got a couple of hours to kill before I have to meet Paul to go to training so I think I'm about to go walking, or I may go back to my apt and read or clean.

1 comment:

  1. now you understand why I HATE when people say "you're from CO, you shouldn't be cold"--it's because the humidity here makes it feel worse! :)
