Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cheong Gye Mountain Part 2

I went hiking to Cheong Gye Mountain again this past weekend with my new friend Poppy.

How we met was pretty interesting. I was selling something on Dave's ESL Cafe (an international English teacher's website) and she wanted to buy it. This was over the summer, but she said she wasn't in Korea at the time and she was coming in August. By the time she got here we had already emailed a few times and I had answered a lot of her questions about Korea, teaching, etc. We tried to get together and hang out but it didn't happen, but lo and behold, a couple weeks ago at church I was talking to a friend when someone turned around and asked if I was Jason. I answered in the affirmative and she said she was Poppy, the girl I had been emailing! Turns out she lives just about a 10-15 minute walk away from my new apartment!

Anywho, back to hiking, I invited her and a few other friends to go hiking since this past weekend was the last nice weekend this year. She was the only one who could go so she and I went, and had a good time. Turns out she is a new Christian, just became Christian since she moved here. She's Persian, and her extended family is from Iraq (Iran maybe? She's from America, though), but there's a lot of persecution and Persians are forced to take Islam. As a result, her parents aren't really down with organized religion, but coming to Korea her coworker is a Christian so she was able to hear the Gospel. It was really encouraging to talk with her and hang out.

Here are the pictures from this past weekend, which was much better than the last time I went to Cheong Gye (both the pictures and the circumstances):
Cheong Gye Mountain II

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