Thursday, November 26, 2009


Give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for you in Jesus the Christ. -Paul of Tarsus

For those of you who want to know God's will for your life, well there it is. I am truly thankful this Thanksgiving (even though technically it's Friday here). As all of you probably know, it hasn't been exactly easy for me living here because I basically have no friends outside of working hours. Something happened this past weekend, mostly Monday I think, and I just don't mind any more. I realized I was not being myself, I was trying to fit in, to not be a strange foreigner, to do what other people want me to, and I was doing all these things 1) to please them 2) and to not be different.

I have no idea how this crept up into me as you all know I am a different person, to say the least (I'm taking my shoes off the moment I land in America and not putting them back on for a long time). I think, though, that in knowing it I can overcome it. This week has been great because I've stopped caring, stopped thinking about it, and just lived. I didn't let things get to me, I didn't hyper-analyze everything others said to make sure I didn't offend, I did strange things (like sit on the curb [that's really strange and dirty in Korea]). My timing is back with my humor and conversation, I've started saying hi to random foreigners on the street, etc.

I can't really take too much credit on this turnaround in my life (especially since I'm still not altogether sure what the cause was and why I'm carefree now). I'm definitely thankful for our God and Father who looks out for us, who doesn't destroy us with our burdens, who provides us with escapes, second chances, love, mercy, and justice.

I'm also thankful for Earthcam, which allows me to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on a webcam at It's pretty cool, and if you love the MTDP, you can view logs of previous years.

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