Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Hobby:

Using my incredibly dry humor with my students who have no idea what I'm saying (that's an XKCD reference). Most of my classes have had at least one exam in the last week or two. I grade the papers and bring them to class the next time I see them, and I always say, "I have here in my hand a list of known Communists," ala McCarthy. When I walk out of my later classes, I tend to say, "Good night, and good luck," again, ala McCarthy (I never realized just how useful McCarthy is to dry-witted, obscure cultural references til just now). Some of my classes have been reading about 19th century America and the impact of the steam locomotive, so Utah is comes up a couple of times. Instead of Utah I like to call it Mormon Land.

I ate some peanuts in China that were incredibly delicious. They're kinda like American peanuts, but it's almost as though they have a hard outer shell, and then it's a little softer inside. I think John might know what I'm talking about. Well, I stumbled upon them at the grocery store a couple of days ago, and they're W900 for 100g, or for you Americans, that's about $3/lb for delicious peanuts. There's a couple of other nuts that are really cheap, too. I've started drinking what Asians call yogurt. They come it tiny 65mL (a double-shot, basically) containers and are liquified yogurt, I guess. The fat in yogurt is some of the best fat you can eat, so I always got the fatty kind in the States, but these are fat-free, unfortunately.

I'm nearly over my sickness, I just have an overactive nose and a slight cough. I've been feeling fine for about a week, though. At first I thought it was the yellow sand, then Grace's mother thought it was the dryness here, but then everyone started getting sick and I realized it was just a bug. I think the air quality and dryness didn't help, but I don't think they were the culprit.

I have yet to receive a gas or water bill. I don't use much gas or water, so I'm excited to see how cheap they might be. I'm a little worried, though, that I missed the bill or something and that I'm gonna wake up one day with no gas or water.

I have no chairs in my apartment, I just sit on my bed. Well, if anyone's ever sat on a bed for an extended period of time, it's not the most comfortable. I'd like to get a chair, but I think I'm just gonna get some floor cushions instead. It'd be more traditionally Korean, they'd be cheaper and smaller, and would encourage me to move about rather than lounge. I will have to wait until payday next Friday, however. I'm also seriously considering getting some clothes made. Someone said I could get two suits and a couple shirts for W500,000, or about $400. I don't really need the suits while here so I may wait until I'm ready to come back, but I am interested in getting some pants and shirts fitted. I only brought 5 dress shirts and 6 dress pants, and while I didn't think I'd care, I do. I want more variety in my wardrobe. That sounds kinda weird, but oh well, haha.

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