Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Oh Crappy Day

I didn't exactly have a bad day today, but it definitely wasn't good. First, I haven't been able to get on Facebook for the last two days and I've actually needed to. At work my computer wouldn't get online at all, even though I was plugged straight in to the network. I had planned on getting some internet work done before class but I couldn't. Then, in my first class, my favorite student, Juliet, was absent for the second day in a row. I asked the students if anyone knew where she was and someone said she quit. I began to cry on the inside, haha. She ended up walking in a few minutes later, she had been really sick, poor girl. My first two classes had midterms so I didn't do much teaching, which was nice. My third class was a pain. They weren't paying attention, at all. They weren't being disruptive, they were collectively staring off into space. I had to throw my book on the floor to get their attention. They single-handedly took it all out of me. My fourth class was much better and brightened my day somewhat, but by then I was already so tired. My feet and knees usually hurt by my last class and I have to sit on a desk for a few minutes during class. Today, I had to sit in my last two classes, and for more than just a few minutes. I think that was a good measure of how tired the other classes had made me. Now, I'm trying to do my online work and the website's down.

I said I didn't exactly have a bad day, and none of that is too bad, but I haven't really said anything negative on this blog and I wanted everyone to know I'm not a delusional freak, haha.

I'm going to help Grace finish up her taxes tomorrow. I've never had to file a multi-state return so it's kinda interesting to figure out how. I've started being more serious in learning Korean. Sogang University has an incredible website for learning Korean. They have great listening tests and they teach you to write really well. Then, all of a sudden, the lessons include full dialogue and you're asked to decipher what is being said. Problem is, they haven't given you any vocabulary lessons yet. I don't know what they were thinking but there's a step missing, I think. I found and it is a pretty good website. There's a couple other sites that look promising, but I haven't exhausted yet, so I'll stay there. It's got really good technical information, like how to form predicates with nouns, verbs, and adjectives, parsing verbs, etc.

The cherry blossoms are nearly in full bloom, just in time for the Festival. I'm very excited!

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