Thursday, March 5, 2009

Getting Better

I've enjoyed the last couple of days of teaching.  After getting the kinks out and understanding some of the routine it's getting easier.  Suprisingly, I enjoy these little kids.  They say the funniest stuff on accident, an even funnier stuff on purpose.  The youngest group, though not the smartest, is definitely my favorite b/c they're so cute.  By the time they get to the middle or high group they're only a couple years older, but they have absolutely lost that cuteness that keeps me from beating them.  I consistently threaten to defenestrate them, and I've taught them that word.

I'm still basically getting up, going to work, going home, reading for an hour and going to sleep.  But since I own next to nothing, there's really nothing else to do, and I'm enjoying it.  By next week I hope to feel confident enough not to have to write an entire lesson plan for every class, since it's Word Test, check homework, make fun of their mistakes and make them laugh at them, read through a couple of pages in the book, make fun of them, give the homework, leave.  But, even if I am only at work for the required 8 hrs/day, I still don't have much else to do since all my friends work here and they'll be doing the same thing.  I'm seriously considering getting a cell phone, then I just need some friends outside of work as well as inside.  I'd help if I knew the language.

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