Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sex Appeal

My favorite student, of all my 100 or so, is Juliet. She's 7, I think, and is soooo cute. She's really tiny and doesn't speak much, but when she does she speaks loudly and she's always correct. She has gotten 10s on all her Word Tests until Monday, and when she missed one she rolled her eyes and blew her bangs out of her face, hahaha. Anyway, I asked her if she knew who Romeo and Juliet were, and apparently every kid in the class did because they all started laughing (including her) and she blushed and hid her face. It was kinda funny. Then, one of my students asked me if I knew "sex appeal." Keep in mind, these kids are 6-7. I didn't make any face or let on that it wasn't something she should say, I just asked her to repeat it. She thought for a moment, said "hmmm," put her finger on her chin and said "shakes appeal." I said, "Oh, you mean Shakespeare?" and she said, "YES, Shakespeare!" Funniest moment of the day.

Today, some of my higher students had presentations. One did hers on doctors, and it was ok. At the end, in her most confident voice, she said, "Treatment it does the favor of people who on bottle." It was hilarious. It wouldn't have been all that funny had she not been so confident, but that was the most confident sentence in her whole presentation, and it was the only one that made zero sense. Kids say the darndest things.

1 comment:

  1. so many things to comment on this one.... i'll just keep these to myself until we meet in person, hahaha
