Sunday, March 29, 2009


So after yesterday's failure of internet and phone, I got to church and Grace told me that her mother offered to sign for me so I can get a 1-year contract with KTF, and thereby a free phone. She freely offered that, I didn't mention it to Grace or anything. My first night here, I discovered that Topia had not provided me with a towel in my apartment as per the contract, and Grace called up her mom (again without my asking) and she brought me a towel, a hand towel, and a bar of soap. They took my to Seoul and showed me around, and now they've offered to take me to the Cherry Blossom Festival on the next warm Saturday. The Cherry Blossom Festival, from what little I've read and heard, is a celebration of Spring I guess. I think there's a park with a lot of them, and they bloom as soon as it gets warm. Some are probably already blooming, and seeing them all will be amazing. I'll take lots of photos and put them up. They're good people, the Kims.

I went to Lotte Mart, a 4-story Korean supermarket, and spent an hour or so just walking around, seeing what was there. I had been there twice before with Paul, but he knew where stuff was so it was get in, get out. I wanted to browse and get a feel for what I could get. I found some Korean wine for $4 for half a bottle. I'll be buying that come payday. I also happened upon the cheese selections. Cheese doesn't exist here, it just doesn't. You can get it on your pizza, of course, but other than that, most people don't eat much cheese. It's a damn shame because I loooove cheese. When I turned the corner and saw an entire shelf devoted to cheese, my jaw literally dropped, and I may have uttered a bad word, but I don't remember those few moments too well. I'll be getting some of that on payday. Another beauty of Korea: they celebrate drinking. Case in point: Miller Lite Beer Girl, complete with sample cups of Korean Wal-Mart! You should see the Guinness Girl and the Heine Girl. I saw them the first time I was there but at the time didn't feel like photographing them. Now I must go every weekend so I can photograph them for you guys; they look resplendent in their garb...

I leave you with some photos of the moon this evening. I had 15 minutes to kill while the lady was cooking my pizza so I took a walk.

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