Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Cruddy Sunday

(That's a Simpsons allusion, btw).  I got around 6 hours of sleep Friday night, so I assumed I'd get to bed early Sat night.  I didn't.  I didn't get sleepy until almost 4am and I needed to get up at 11 for church.  I managed to wake up, and stay awake during the sermon even.  The past two times I went to church I got a little headphone thing so I could listen to the translation, but it didn't work either time.  It finally worked today, and I kinda regretted it.  The sermon was your typical fluff sermon, only it was translated from Korean to English so what good was in the original got lost in translation.  Oh well, I'll continue going to spend time with Grace, to learn Korean, and to help the translators.  I met an older Aussie couple there today.  They are missionaries and English teachers and this is their third 3-month stay in Korea since 2006.  I wanted to talk to them longer but they had somewhere to go.

While in China, people were constantly saying "hi" to me on the streets, just to practice their English (or at least the one word they knew: hi).  I assumed that was going to happen here, but it hasn't, at least not until yesterday.  On my way to church two different people said "hi" while passing, and they giggled when I said "hi" back.  At church a girl was dressed up as Snow White (I thought of you, Lindsey) and she said "hi" to me, then giggled.  Then, on my way home from church yet another person said "hi."  I guess it was Say-Hi-to-Jason Day.  It was pretty funny.  I wonder, though, if people have been telling me "hi" and I just haven't been paying attention, idk. 

The weather has been gorgeous lately, highs in the mid 70s and lows in the 50s.  Like I mentioned before I had been wanting to get out and enjoy it but the threat of yellow sand keeps me in.  It rained saturday and Saturday night, though, and now it's gonna be chilly the rest of the week again: highs in the 40s-50s and lows around freezing.  Oh well, soon enough it will be sweltering here.

I'm getting a little worse from the yellow sand.  I went to the pharmacy yesterday evening to look for some mucinex, or something like it.  The guy looked it up and he didn't have it, but he gave me (what I assume is) something similar.  It only cost W2500 ($1.50) for 10 pills.  I'm gonna take it to Grace and have her decipher it before I go getting an ulcer from it, but I hope it helps me cough this stuff up.  It's kinda ironic because I seriously thought about brining mucinex; it's the only medicine I ever seem to take.  I decided not to take it when I thought I wouldn't have room, and when I realized I had plenty of room I guess I didn't think of it.  Oh well, so it goes.  

I rearranged my apartment Sunday, or at least my main room/bedroom which takes up half my apt.  (I made a diagram to explain it but it didn't work, sorry, try to imagine it.)  The way I have it now, it totally destroys my floor space, but I don't really care about that.  There's only one electrical outlet in this room and now my bed is by it, and the door no longer bumps against my bed.  I have drawers underneath my bed and now I can access them all.  I also can have a proper bedtable this way.  There are cabinets in the alcove above where the bed used to be and where the big table is now.  By moving my bed I no longer have to crawl on it to get to them.  I'm writing this Sunday night in my apt and posted it Monday at work, so at the time of writing this I haven't slept in the bed yet.  That's important because there is a huge light outside my patio that is fairly bright even with the blinds shut.  Being closer to the window I don't know if it'll be worse, or if the angle will be better and it won't hit me in the eye.  I have to sleep with the blankets over my head, but I've been doing that pretty frequently since I was working night shift at the hospital anyway.  


  1. That's AWESOME!!!! did you get her autograph? :)

  2. uhhh oops, this is lindsey. i didn't realize what account i was using...
